Thursday, July 23, 2015


so hello every one!
my friends are coming! I'm so excited!
anyways we have been cleaning like crazy so thats why I have not been posting sorry
but Im really happy now that we are done so I can blog more.

so Im trying to save up for something (wont tell you yet you will have to wait till I get it to see it)
and I am haveing a hard time makeing money. so what is your money maker tips.

so who loves Percy Jackson? its like my favorite book ever!!!  the movies stink and whoever is in the PJO and HoO fandom will under stand.

                                       here is a random picture I found. Lol
                                              I think this was from an old post I cant remember
                                              anyways its lego freinds

                                                bye!! hope you enjoyed this random picture!

Friday, July 3, 2015

house tour

I did it I finely did it!!!

hey guys you are probably wondering what I did. well i made a house tour!!
its not a video but at lest its something lol anyways here it is!!
(btw all the pictures are under the words )

                                                              here is Kristy's part of the room

                                                         here is Annie's side

                                               here is a better look at Annie's bed

                                                   here is Sophie's bedroom.
                                                   really that's it lol pour Sophie

                                                   here is something I found at a thrift store

                               here it you can see it  has 4 working drawer's and a little mirror inside
                                                                       lol you can see me

                            here is a little table with drawer's that I use for there clothes

                                                 and on top I have a little TV that I made

                                           here is a folding chair me and my mom made
                                       (sorry I forgot to take a picture with it folded out  )

                                    and last is a bath room that has the horse stable in it

ok hope you enjoyed bye!!!