Sunday, October 4, 2015

new room 2#

                                              so here is new room number two!
                                                               hope you enjoy!

                                                        (all the words are under the pictures)

                                                       here is an over view of the bathroom
                                                    here is some make up that I made
                                           (comment if you want a tutorial on how to make it!)

                                                 this is where i put there brush, comb and spay bottle.

and here is a little drawer that holds all of there hair bands and hair stuff

                                            this is a hair salon chair that my friends got me for my birthday.
                      it holds thair shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a loofah, a hair dryer and head bands.

and this is where they can put there dirty clothes.

this is the toilet  
(not much to say about that)

                           and here is the vanity that has the sink, nail polish and a tooth brush cup that holds thair                                                                 tooth brushes (duh lol)

      so I hope that you like the bathroom tour! come back in two days to see the new competer i made them!
                                         also comment if you have any questions.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

new room #1

              hey everyone! so I made two new rooms in my doll house. this is the first one, and the second one
                                         will be out in two days. so here is new room number one!

                                                   (also the words are under the pictures)
                                              here is an over view of the school room.

here is the shelve that holds all the books, folders and pencil cases.

              here is the pencil cups. one holds the pens and pencils and the other holds scissors and other stuff.

                     here there are two little drawers the one on top has clips and the bottom one has erasers.

 and the bench is just one of my suit cases.

                                                        and under the desk are there backpacks

and on the desk is there binders. (a sneak pick at what I will show you haw to make)

so that's it but don't forget to come back soon for the new bathroom tour!
and another two days after that will be a new thing i made for my dolls 
so check back soon and don't forget to comment if you have questions!

Thursday, September 24, 2015


 hey guys! hope you liked the video.
i added a shcool room to it and will post pictures later. I know it is past back to school time but sence i made a school room i had to make things to put in it. so today i will show you how to make these cute little school books!

                                           ( the words are under the pictures.)
                                          I have made 2 so far the reading one and the math one
                                                sorry its blury.

                                      you will need: scissors, glue a paint brush is optional. pencil or pen
                                             card stock and an old magazine or catalog
                     (note; this is the wrong picture I could not find the right one. so you do not need the card                                                 board or the paper clips. and the catalog is not shown)

                                 start by drawing the cover of the book. mine was about 2.5 to 3 inches .

 cut it out.

                                               then cut out a peace of your catalog .


                                              fold the card stock so it has a spine and looks like this.

put some glue on the spine.

                                                                  put the pages in .

                                                    then pinch the spine so it holds the pages in.

                                                          label it and your done!!

                                                           I hope you liked it.
                                      come back soon for a cute and easy binder tutorial!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015


So guys it has been a while since I have posted sorry about that. Well I made a video and  link is not working so go to YouTube and look up jodlu  witch is my moms YouTube account and on top will be a video called: ag house tour.   hope that helps you find it.  

Sunday, September 6, 2015


so hi guys
I was makeing a craft the other night and I was using my hot glue gun and it blow up at me! like with real fire and everything!
so I got a new one. and my sister lost her camra witch i use :/ sorry. anyway go to funwithagfan cause there is a give away. a mini doll!!!! I really hope i win but i dout I will
so go enter that then come back and coment plaese thanks bye!
p.s. sorry its short again :P

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Happy birthday

Hey every body just found my camera so the craft should be soon.
Anyways I want to give a shout out to a few of my friends happy birthday guys!!!-
Also it is Percy Jackson birthday from Percy Jackson book series
Wow sorry this is short but I gtg to a birthday party for one friend later so bye
And thanks for reading

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Hey every one sorry it has been a long time since I last posted
I have some good news. I will be doing a craft tutorial soon! I need to barrow my sister's camera to take pictures with. Anyways I have an app on my tablet called subway suffers I am sure most of you guys know what that is. But I got 10510 coins in ONE run it was so awesome and my friends where there to see it!!!

hey sorry this was ment to be before that last post sorry


Hey Annie here mom let me post and so I would like to tell you that
there is a give away at
Funwithagfan a 20$ coupon to an etsy shop
I am totally entering. Anyway mom still can't find her camera so shecan't do the craft tutorial. but till then she will put a poll of with craft and the most voted craft will be made
Soon. Also  sorry this is kinda short but I hope you enjoyed it, bye

Annie: hey Kristy what did you think about my first post?

                                        Kristy: it was great annie!

                                       Annie: Really?!

                                           Kristy: yup I hope mom lets me do one soon.

                                            annie: well im sure she willl and it will be great!!

                                                     kristy: you really think so?

                                         annie: yup i know so.

                                                   kristy: well thanks

                                                             all: Bye!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015


so hello every one!
my friends are coming! I'm so excited!
anyways we have been cleaning like crazy so thats why I have not been posting sorry
but Im really happy now that we are done so I can blog more.

so Im trying to save up for something (wont tell you yet you will have to wait till I get it to see it)
and I am haveing a hard time makeing money. so what is your money maker tips.

so who loves Percy Jackson? its like my favorite book ever!!!  the movies stink and whoever is in the PJO and HoO fandom will under stand.

                                       here is a random picture I found. Lol
                                              I think this was from an old post I cant remember
                                              anyways its lego freinds

                                                bye!! hope you enjoyed this random picture!

Friday, July 3, 2015

house tour

I did it I finely did it!!!

hey guys you are probably wondering what I did. well i made a house tour!!
its not a video but at lest its something lol anyways here it is!!
(btw all the pictures are under the words )

                                                              here is Kristy's part of the room

                                                         here is Annie's side

                                               here is a better look at Annie's bed

                                                   here is Sophie's bedroom.
                                                   really that's it lol pour Sophie

                                                   here is something I found at a thrift store

                               here it you can see it  has 4 working drawer's and a little mirror inside
                                                                       lol you can see me

                            here is a little table with drawer's that I use for there clothes

                                                 and on top I have a little TV that I made

                                           here is a folding chair me and my mom made
                                       (sorry I forgot to take a picture with it folded out  )

                                    and last is a bath room that has the horse stable in it

ok hope you enjoyed bye!!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

quick post

hay yall
so my VBS ended today. it was awesome do any of you do VBS?
aslo go see funwithagfan the link is a couple pots ago there is a super cute give away
PJ'S for your doll
thats it for now
p,s please coment

Saturday, June 20, 2015

cute doll find

                  hi every one I found a awesome doll sized backpack at Joanne's

                                                         here it is. it is so cute
                                                      its clear but I will cover it with duct tape

                                           it also came with this super cute neckless

                                                        here is Kristy wearing it

                                                           here I am wearing it

                                                  here is Kristy wearing the backpack
                                              here is a little purse i got from my friend
                                                     bye hope you have great day !!