Friday, December 26, 2014


I am very happy to say the newest member of my AG family has arrived.
Meet Annabeth Grace, Annie for short. Also, I got the mini Felicity doll.
here are some pictures
                                                   this is Annie in an outfit i got last year
                                         this is Annie in her meet outfit  (that's the one she comes in)
                                         And this is little Felicity  shes Annie's doll.
                                          Thanks for reading, if you like this please comment.
                                          Bye for now.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

AG Size Pencil Tutorial

Hey guys, I made an tutorial for you all, I hope you enjoy it.
(btw its a little pencil you can use it for a AG doll, barbie or whatever have fun)

 First, here is what you will need: makers in pink,yellow and black. Scissors, glue stick,  wooden skewer or tooth picks,and tape. Oh and foil too
 If you are using a skewer, cut it off about 3 inches from the sharp tip. If using wooden toothpick, cut one end off the tooth pick so that one end is pointed and the other is flat.
Now, color the middle part yellow, stop at the taper (slanted part),don't color the pointy tip or very end. Leave about a  1/4 inch at the flat end- this will be your eraser.
                                               Color the flat end pink and come down 1/4" to meet the yellow.
Cut a small (1/8" or so) strip of foil and rub glue on it(do on scrap sheet of paper so no glue gets on the floor.

Wrap the foil around the tooth pick  where the pink and yellow meet, adjust it so that it looks right compared to the size of the eraser. You may need to stick on a small piece of tape to keep in place.
Finally, use the black marker and color the point to make the lead tip, and you're done!!!!

hope you enjoyed making a tiny little adorable pencil  
thanks to my big brother for taking the pictures :)

Monday, December 8, 2014


hey guys not much to write about today but I will try.
so Christmas  is in about 2 weeks or a little less but I CAN NOT WAIT!
I know I'm getting an MAG doll (my american girl)  and cant wait.
 please post a comment if you like reading my blog.
 I really want to read them. I know this is really short but I didn't really do anything in the last few days  well we did go to a puppet show yesterday.  Well I'm going to go I will post again when i have something to write about

Thursday, December 4, 2014

lots of stuff to tell you

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post the other day stuff happened. Wednesday I went to a club I go to, and  was there from 7-8:45 pm plus I have to leave around 6:20-ish to get there on time.

On thanksgiving something happened something BAD!!  If you read my profile you know I do Violin. On thanksgiving my cuz brought her Violin so we could play together.  My shoulder rest has been kind of bent from when I got it so we were just about ready to play and I hear this POP! it snapped off! I was so sad I wanted to cry! :(. But luckily I was out growing my violin and soon need another one a size bigger. It just so happened that my teacher had 2 other students one who needed the size I had and the other one was selling the size I needed. We did NOT want to sell my small Violin cause its super awesome in musical ways and we got for 50 Dollars!!!! and I just love it still so very much. We ended up getting to rent my little one and buying me a new one.  Today I got my new violin which i also love very much -Soooo much easier to play now because it fits me correctly and its just Soo awesome. Also today i did singing class & i got a part in a duet with a very good friend of mine i don't know if I can post names on here i will ask but for now lets just say shes a really  cool person. p.s. my singing part is in frosty the snow man so a really cool (get it "cool") song that everybody knows so yeah awesome)  today was fun because after violin I take art class and we drew people and I think I did a really good job.

please comment if You enjoyed this post by: Lucky girl
remember thou that all comments will be seen befor hand by my MOM
so as it says SO PLAY NICE (LOL toy story) yeah any one remember That!!??
im also trying to get my room cleaned really fast so my friend can sleep over tomorrow when i go to her house she can come home with me because the day after is Saturday

i gtg (got to go) its past my bed time yeah im in 6th grade so bye guys!;)

Saturday, November 29, 2014


hey there I can't wait to start blogging! I will try to post at least once every 3-4 days depending on my schedule. I'm completely booked every Friday this month (December). I have lots of super cool ideas for easy AG crafts, so I will get busy taking  pics and making tutorials.
WARNING! I am a bad speller the only reason this is all correct is because my Mom is helping me. Also I don't really pay attention to capitals but I am working on that.