Friday, June 26, 2015

quick post

hay yall
so my VBS ended today. it was awesome do any of you do VBS?
aslo go see funwithagfan the link is a couple pots ago there is a super cute give away
PJ'S for your doll
thats it for now
p,s please coment

Saturday, June 20, 2015

cute doll find

                  hi every one I found a awesome doll sized backpack at Joanne's

                                                         here it is. it is so cute
                                                      its clear but I will cover it with duct tape

                                           it also came with this super cute neckless

                                                        here is Kristy wearing it

                                                           here I am wearing it

                                                  here is Kristy wearing the backpack
                                              here is a little purse i got from my friend
                                                     bye hope you have great day !!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Kristy is here!!

hello everyone i did not make a video but I took pictures!!!


                                                        this is Kristina Gwen
                                                               she is #24

                                                         she is so pretty

                                                       here they all are from left to right is
                                                             Kristy, Sophie, Annie

I hope you enjoyed.
please comment and check back soon!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

key board

hello blog readers!!!
guess what i got a new key board for my tablet so now it will be a lot easyer to blog
well thats all for now sorry for short post but i gtg
write to you later bye!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

maybe a New AG doll soon

Hi guys the video is still coming.
Mean while we set up our pool and my brother had a birthday party.
And one of his friends has a sister and she came over and she has a lot of AG things
So she said that if I come over to her house she will give me her old Samantha doll
And it's NOT the new be forever thing. So I'm really excited and she said that she might give me some other things too! Like earnings for Sophie! I will  post again later bye

Oh also there's a give away at funwithagfan go back a couple posts for the link or just look her up she's really popular