Friday, May 22, 2015

happy birthday to me

Hey guys
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!! I'm so excited I'm turning 12 yea!!! I'm so happy
So when's your birthday if you comment I will put your name in that months first post
Ok sorry this is so short but I will write more tomorrow to tell you what I got not to brag just to let you know
Ok thanks for reading
Also please comment

Ok quick update I said I would tell you what I got for my birthday but I had ordered a doll for my birthday and it will tomorrow so I will video me opening it and post. Also I have reset-up my doll room so I will be posting a tour shortly.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hi every body
How's your day gone so far
I am going strawberry picking later
I pick the most stawberrys even tho I don't eat them!!!lol:)
So I am going to the AG place for my birthday!!!
Have any of you been there what was it like???
On a completely different note, what is your favorite gum favors? Mine are fruit, mint and pink bubble gum I don't know what that's called. Lol!!
Anyways I got to go now. Thanks everyone who has read my blog