Monday, April 27, 2015


Hi everyone today I got my new tablet wicth will let my on my blog unlike my iPod (witch I sold) so now I won't have to wait till I get on the computer.
And yesterday I got.......... goats!!!!! For real I will post pictures as soon I get some on my tablet.
Ok So it's like way past my bedtime so I got to go bye!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

bad news

hey guys, bad news
so I am putting away my american girl stuff for a while.
So I won't do a tour, I'm sorry and it was a really hard choice but my little sister keeps messing it up and I'm tired of fixing it I'm really sorry
I will however keep posting on my blog so be sure to check back every week or so!

also one more thing theres a doll giveaway at enter by tomorrow at midnight to win!
